How to Help Root Out Deforestation from Complex Palm Oil Supply Chains

Palm oil is significantly associated with deforestation. People are, however, trying their best to eradicate the deforestation in these complex supply chains. The problem of deforestation affects not only the countries that produce palm oil but also the neighboring regions of this country. India is one of the most significant consumers of palm oil in the world. Its people are already experiencing air pollution effects in their country. 

The European Palm Oil Alliance has for the years been persistent in its fight against deforestation. They believe that the production of palm oil can successfully be without harming the environment. They also urge consumers only to buy palm products that indicate their source.

Focusing on the following will  help in the eradication of palm oil deforestation during the pam oil supply and production;

Buying RSPO certified products

The RSPO is a non-profit organization that aims at ensuring that all products that get to the consumers are certified. The RSPO does not warrant products made using controversial palm oil. Buying certified goods goes a long way toward curbing deforestation. This is achieved as the organization will only permit palm oil correctly produced without harming the environment extensively.

Pushing for sustainable palm production

 Setting policies on sustainable palm production will help in deforestation. There should be consequences for people who repeatedly generate unsustainable palm oil. The guidelines should focus on the issue of deforestation.  Clearing pristine lands to set up new palm plantations should not be allowed.

Countries not to import palm oil linked to deforestation

For consumers, it might not be easy to differentiate the type of palm oil used. However, countries at large can understand the origin of the palm oil they import. In realizing that importing palm oil is linked to deforestation, the importation should seize immediately.

Educating farmers to seize deforestation

Most smallholder farmers of palm oil are poor people. They barely have any knowledge of deforestation and its effects on the environment.  Educating these farmers on the dangers of deforestation and alternatives to the same is crucial in fighting deforestation. The used lands should remain as so and avoid clearing new grounds for the same. Teaching them ways to improve the hectare yield or production would help to curb deforestation.

In conclusion, fighting deforestation is not an easy task to do more so when it comes to palm oil production. This does not, however, mean that it is not doable. Protecting our environment is as good as trying to remain alive. We can achieve this by following the given guidelines on palm production. We all should be ambassadors of keeping our environment clean and safe.