Separation Anxiety In Dogs

Among the most usual pet owners’ complaints is that their dogs are destructive or disruptive when left alone. Their pups might howl, chew, urinate, defecate, bark, dig, or attempt to escape. Even though these issues usually tell that a dog has to be taught polite house manners, they could likewise be anxiety and distress symptoms. When a pup’s issues are accompanied by other anxious behaviors, like excessively drooling and showing symptoms of anxiety when his owners are about to leave their home, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the dog is not house-trained or does not know which toys he could chew. Instead, they could be indications that the dog is suffering from separation anxiety. This is usually triggered when our canine friends become upset or distressed because of separation from their pet parents or the people they are attached to. Dogs with anxiety would also try to escape. These instances are often extreme and could result in self-harm and household damage, particularly around exit points such as doors and windows.

Some dogs who are suffering from separation anxiety would also try to stop their guardians from leaving the house. Oftentimes, right after the pet parent leaves a dog suffering from separation anxiety, it would begin barking incessantly and manifest other signs of anxious behaviors, usually within minutes after being left alone.

When treating a dog who is suffering from separation anxiety, the aim is to deal with his underlying anxiety by training him to enjoy, or even just tolerate, alone time at home. This is achieved by setting up scenarios to experience the instances that trigger his anxiety, specifically being left alone without experiencing anxiety or fear.

Ensure that your pet gets enough exercise every day. A happy and tired dog would be less upset when you leave. It is also recommended that you challenge your dog’s mind. Use interactive puzzles. Play fetch and training games. Work their body as well as their mind. That would keep them happy, busy, and too tired to be distressed while you are away.